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Dirección: Dirección
17491 Peralada, España
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Página web: www.perelada.com
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Guía de vinos: Celler Perelada
It is formed by the iconic Peralada Castle, a 14th century medieval fortress flanked by two imposing towers and surrounded by 77000m2 of gardens designed by François Duvillers. We can find great gastronomic proposals such as the Restaurant Castell Peralada, awarded with a Michelin star or the Asian restaurant Shiro by Paco Pérez. There is also a wide range of cultural offerings such as the Castell de Peralada Museum with its library, the church of Carmen and the Gothic cloister, or the Castell de Peralada Festival, which year after year delights us with its proposals under the starry sky of the Empordà. Not forgetting the wide range of leisure activities on offer at Casino Peralada.
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